8 Jun 2018

Career Conversation, The Careers Fair 2018

At the careers fair, 6 June 2018, students met people working in a range of occupations; finding out what different jobs are like, and what it takes to be successful. With nearly 80 visitors from different professions, students heard from a range of experts in aviation, business, communications, creative, education, engineering, government services, healthcare, hospitality, sports, tech and veterinary occupations.

The managers from KPMG told students that they should not limit themselves in their academic choices and there are lots of routes into KPMG. Hoteliers told students that they need to be business minded and what they do to have a competitive edge.

Students also crowded around the Government & Law section hearing from a politician, lawyer, social worker and the HK police about their work.  Members of the aviation industry shared advice on what it takes to be successful as cabin crew or a Cathay Pacific pilot. While entrepreneurs explained that following a dream and taking risks has meant they now own businesses they love.

During the fair Year 10 students also listened to speakers on topics as varied as communications, network engineering and managing global teams, and coding skills for a changing world of work.

Rebecca Lucas-Timpany, Higher Education & Careers Counsellor said, “It was an event that demonstrated our engagement with present and past parents, PTA, alumni and the wider HK community.”

“Fair participants enjoyed talking to students, with one visitor commenting, “It was great to see the students genuinely interested in what we do – certainly much more engaged than I was at their age!”

“Comments like this demonstrate how many excellent career conversations were had by the 500 students that attended the fair throughout the afternoon.”

See our Facebook page for more photos from the Careers Fair 2018