1 Apr 2022

WANBO- Hong Kong Eco-Action Forum

To honour the International Mother Earth Day which falls on 22 April, UNESCO Hong Kong is hosting an external event called the Hong Kong Eco-Action Forum, where local and international schools will be discussing the environmental campaigns and programmes that they’ve been running this academic year.

The event is four hours long, starting from 2:00 PM and running until 6:00 PM. Here’s a brief rundown of the activities that will take place:

2:00 – 2:30 PM: Opening remarks by chief guests

2:30 – 3:20 PM: The Hong Kong Businesses Carbon Neutrality Action Forum (HKBCNAF) shares information about new eco-opportunities in energy-saving and waste reduction practices

3:20 – 4:15 PM: Co-creating Green Schools sharing panel

4:15 – 6:00 PM: Hong Kong Eco-Youth Action Forum shares information about what the Hong Kong youth are doing to save the environment, new initiatives, running programs, etc.

The event will be a hybrid one, both on Zoom and offline in the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong. If you are interested in joining this event, either participating in some of the sessions or attending briefly to gain some new knowledge, you can read more at this link.

For students interested in registering for the online session, you can sign up to attend the session—you do not have to attend for the full duration if you are unable to! Students interested in joining the offline sessions should wait for further information to be sent out soon.

On behalf of WANBO, we believe this opportunity can definitely provide individuals with new information on the current environment in Hong Kong. It is advised to join at least one session—after all, the connections you can form and the new knowledge you can receive will definitely come in handy someday! 

Feel free to email your campus WANBO Leaders with any questions or concerns. We hope that you’re just as excited as we are for this event.

Sha Tin Wai: chanan.ng@online.island.edu.hk or ady.lam@online.island.edu.hk

Tai Wai: katrina.hon@online.island.edu.hk or alexandra.lai@online.island.edu.hk

You can also follow our Instagram page @iswanbo to be notified.


Article written by Vijay Narayanan, WANBO Newsletter team