29 Oct 2021

WANBO: Inter-House Clothing Collection Drive

For the first Green Cup event this year, WANBO has partnered with Redress to launch an inter-house clothing drive in October “Get Redressed Month”.

Aiming to reduce clothing waste and encourage mindful consumption, students and staff donated their unwanted clothes to Redress, for reuse. Clothes will be distributed to the many secondhand clothing stores in Hong Kong.

Around the world, fast fashion has caused a massive issue for the environment. We wear other clothes less when we buy more and eventually, throw away clothes at a faster rate. This increased consumption greatly contributes to the increased greenhouse gas emissions, generating more detrimental effects to our planet.

The clothing drive, was intended to empower students to be part of the solution by taking positive action to lessen our environmental impact.

Kimberley Ng 13N, one of the student heads of WANBO, said “Through this competition, students have fostered an understanding of what fast fashion is and its impacts and hopefully this chance to make a difference will become a habit overtime.”

“There has been an overwhelming effort from everyone so far. I’m glad that we’ve been given this opportunity as students have really taken a proactive approach to this clothing drive,” said Ethan Yap (13W).

Competition update as of 28 Oct:

Wilberforce is in the lead with 787 articles of clothing with Rutherford a bit further away in second with 560 articles of clothing. Overall, all Houses have collected just about 3000 articles of clothing.

There’s still time to catch up as this inter-house clothing drive will last until the 5th of November. So bring in unwanted clothing to both help the environment whilst winning some House points!

Be reminded that if you are bringing in unwanted clothing, please put them in your designated house boxes located at your respective house offices. Please do not put them directly into the boxes in the lobby or House points will not be tallied.

WANBO is looking to recruit new student volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ross Burrough at ross.burrough@online.island.edu.hk

For more regular updates and announcements on ongoing initiatives, as well as opportunities for students to get involved in WANBO’s initiatives, please email your campus WANBO Leaders.

Sha Tin Wai: kimberley.ng@online.island.edu.hk or ethan.yap@online.island.edu.hk

Tai Wai: clement.kwan@online.island.edu.hk, ginny.park@online.island.edu.hk or hannah.wu@online.island.edu.hk

You can follow our Instagram page @iswanbo too!