12 Jan 2024

The Alliance of Sustainable Schools Partnership

On the 11th of January Island School signed the Sustainable Schools Charter, and officially joined The Alliance for Sustainable Schools! 

What is The Alliance for Sustainable Schools (TASS)?

TASS is a non-profit network of schools working together to help accelerate the transition to a sustainable future, connecting schools around the world and catalysing the change in the systems of five main priority areas: buses, buildings, food, uniforms and education for sustainability. 

How might this help our school and the wider community?

By informing our community about how we can incorporate sustainability into our school and everyday life, we will be able to alter unsustainable practices that might be present in all areas of our school. 

Our five main priority areas are all systems that we believe can change to fit a more environmentally friendly model. From sustainable options for school lunches to eliminating major carbon emissions from buildings, with TASS, Island School hopes to build a more sustainable future.

The Sustainable Schools Charter

The signing of the Sustainable Schools Charter is a promise from the school principal to students and other members of the TASS to consider sustainability principles in the operations of the school and the decision-making. A small Charter signing ceremony with WANBO students took place this week.  Achieving this milestone marks the beginning of further sustainable development and demonstrates our dedication to continuous improvement in eco-awareness and protection.

We are excited about what this huge leap will bring to the Island School community. Please keep an eye out for new initiatives from WANBO and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation!