12 Jan 2024

IS teams win VEX IQ Full Volume Robotics Competition

On the 9th of December, Island School hosted the first iteration of IS VEX IQ Full Volume Robotics Competition with Head of VEX Asia, Mr Andy Lee as an honourable judge. Two Island School teams won awards for: Excellence, Design and Teamwork!

The VEX Robotics competition is a STEM event that brings together students that have invested countless hours into designing, fabricating and testing robots to compete both autonomously as well as with driver control. It also fosters connections between participants as they develop strategies and soft skills through the team matches where students collaborate with other teams. The event was led by the leaders of the IS VEX Robotics Society: Arnav Gupta 12R, Bo Yun Chen 12R, Katie Lim 12N and Alex Hwang 12R.

With more than 80 individuals from schools across Hong Kong in attendance, the team reflected, that the event was an incredible success. A special thank you goes to Mr Gordon Radcliffe as well as the operations and sound team for their help in ensuring the smooth running of this event. 

Team Knee Guards (Kary Zhu 9RR, Jack Ngan 9RR, Karsten Tsang 9RR)- Excellence Award, Teamwork Champions and Skills Challenge Champions

Team Point Guards (Jayden Chan 9FB, Koen Chen 9FC, Charlie Min 10N)- Design Award, Teamwork Champions

Island School’s teams saw massive success in the tournament with two teams performing exceptionally.