30 Aug 2019

Students’ Science Journal Reviewed and Praised by University Lecturers

The Island School science journal, produced by students, has received notes of recommendations and compliments from lecturers from The University of Manchester, UK. Grace Zhengs’ (11F) and Joelle Lees’ (13D) articles were praised for being well-written and researched by Dr. Craft, a senior lecturer.

The journal includes research articles written by students from Years 8, 10, 11 and 12, with topics ranging from understanding the differences between bacteria and viruses to the future development of artificial intelligence.

In her article Joelle discussed the potential production of edible water bottles by using biodegradable materials. Senior Lecturer, Dr Timothy Craft (School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering) commented,
The problem is well described, as is the current stage of development of such materials. The article is a good and interesting read, which has been well put together, and introduces the reader to one area in which engineering technology could be used to help improve our environment.”\

Dr. Craft also praised Grace’s biomimicry article,
The problems and solutions found are well described in a clear fashion, as are the solutions adopted and the underlying scientific principles they are based on. The long list of references suggests a significant amount of background reading has been undertaken in putting the article together. It reads very well, and does a good job of introducing the topic to the general reader. An excellent piece of work!

Click here to read more articles from the Science Journal 2019