14 Jun 2024

Rutherford X Wilberforce House Night 2024

On the 12th of June, Rutherford and Wilberforce held their joint House Night, which brought families across both houses together for one lovely evening. All media coverage from the event can be found here.

With an estimated 300 individuals in attendance, this evening saw high-quality performances from our talented student body comprised of a band, singers, Year 7s, as well as teachers, and a LOT of food. We also witnessed our lovely Heads of House Ms. Coulson and Ms. French get splat in the face with whipped cream—a classic Rutherford tradition! Congratulations go out to everyone who attended, contributed, and performed, and to Rutherford for winning the quiz as well as Wilberforce for winning the Teacher Dance Battle. 

We would like to extend a massive thank you to everyone again who played a role in making this event a success—none of this would have been possible without you! Us House Leaders hope you had a wonderful time, and can’t wait to (hopefully) see you again soon. 


Signing off,

Your Rutherford & Wilberforce House Leaders 

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more updates! @rutherford.is @wilberforce_is