16 Nov 2018

Quest Week, Quite the Adventure

From the Colosseum in Rome, to the island of Cheung Chau students explored the world during Quest Week, 2-11 November 2018.

With 42 options to choose from students are encouraged to embrace new experiences and challenges, and build new relationships, across Year groups and Houses.  The options differ from one another, activities range from scuba diving in Fiji to understanding the lives of people living in Hong Kong’s cage homes.

Mackenzie Lai went to Oman for her Quest Week trip. She said, “It was amazing sleeping under the stars, and having an owl and a falcon sitting on my wrist. I did things I would have never done otherwise.”

Preksha Bindal went to Kyushu, Japan. When asked about her thoughts on her trip, she said, “I enjoyed the cultural aspect, I learnt more about Japanese culture than I could have done from sitting in a classroom or reading a book.”

Another Year 10 student chose a Hong Kong service project. “It really got everyone to start noticing the different social issues people in Hong Kong face,” she said. “A lot of it was eye-opening and allowed me to really empathise and understand others’ situations. Understanding the issues also makes me more prone to helping others. I really liked how all the NGOs with visited worked hard to help us understand the challenges and processes, like playing slapjack with blurry vision.”

“Throughout this week, I learnt more about different volunteer services as well as how we can actually help the community.”

Renee added, “I think I’ll always keep this unforgettable memory with me!”

By Taylor Chen and Aileen Bai Yang, Media Team

See our Facebook page for more photos or check back next week.