Message From Vice Principal, Nicholas Lee, Middle Phase
Dear Parents
Thank you for all of the time and effort that you put in to supporting your child in making informed decisions about their GCSE and Elements options for 2020-2021. Over the coming weeks we ask tutors to consider the choices that each student in their form group has made and to have individual conversations about the reasoning behind choices and about future pathways. Having a broad range of experiences through their chosen subjects is important and I ask tutors to consider, for each of their students, whether they have been reflective and considerate in their decisions.
The development of three new Elements courses, Artificial Intelligence, Living STEM, Mechanical STEM and Molecular STEM represent the forward thinking nature of our Curriculum. In the development of such courses we aim to ignite a passion in our students that will connect their learning to life beyond school.
In the Middle School we have seen some exceptional achievements over the last few weeks, but for me personally the highlight was the vast number of students taking part in Stars in Their Eyes. May I take this opportunity to congratulate Ethan Rajanayagam (11W) and Sophia Fournier (10W) who won the audience vote. The competition was a wonderful showcase of the ‘Island School Spirit’ at both campuses.
With our students about to embark on their Quest Week adventures I do hope that you take the opportunity on their return to help them reflect on the value of their experiences. While being away from home can be challenging, it will also present an excellent opportunity for them to develop some of the skills that can only be refined while away from home with your peers.
Thank you for your ongoing support and have a good weekend.