2 Nov 2018

Message From The Principal, 2 Nov 2018

Dear Parents and Caregivers

This week most of our Senior Leadership Team including myself attended the annual ESF Leadership conference held at ESF Centre.  The keynote speaker was world renowned educational expert and researcher Michael Fullan who shared with us his work on the future of education and how schooling needs to evolve.

At the heart of his research is the idea that students need to increasingly engage in activities that enable them to develop the knowledge, skills and outlooks that position them for future success. This formula is well known to our school as evidence by the last few weeks where we have conducted many amazing student led activities including:-

  • The Island School Alliance where the work of our students with the Bai Wan and Katja House projects was showcased
  • Diwali Celebration
  • Stars in Their Eyes
  • Book Launch for the collaborative project between Ng Yuk Secondary School and our elements class.

I was fortunate enough to be present for each of the activities and was highly impressed by their extraordinary quality. The broad smiles on the faces of the participants also made it very clear that they provided rich opportunities for student learning and personal growth.

Next week all students will be involved in learning beyond the classroom as we go on Quest Week. I’m going to Year 7 camp and am very much looking forward to spending time with our newest students and hearing from all the others upon their return.