
As an Island School student, you will be required to use a laptop as part of your studies. Laptops are used to enrich learning experiences in and outside of the classroom, improve communication with your teachers and classmates and offer direct access to educational resources. As you use your laptop, you will build vital skills needed in today’s job market.

With our wireless environment and your laptop, you can access the Internet, email, library databases and other resources from numerous sites across the campus.

Check out the sections within this page to answer questions you may have about the laptop programme.

Laptop Policies

  • We recommend that you bring your laptop to class the first week. Your teacher will explain how frequently you will need it in class
  • Your teacher will discuss the use of laptops within your classes. In general, avoid distracting other students by turning off instant messaging, email, games and other unnecessary applications before class begins
  • We strongly recommend that you avoid downloading unnecessary programmes and games on your laptop. These programmes can create problems with other software on your computer. It is best to keep your computer clean
  • When using laptops and other computers, be aware of the Digital Technologies Responsible Use Agreement. This agreement outlines the School’s roles and responsibilities in supporting safe digital learning, as well as the expected behaviors of our students when using digital or online spaces
  • Check out Digital Technologies Responsible Use Agreement

Laptop Requirements

All students are required to have a laptop computer for use in classes and other academic activities. Desktop computers, Chromebook and iPad do NOT meet this requirement.

Laptop Purchase

  • You may purchase any laptop brand that you wish and from any reseller but Island School students can take advantage of some discounts from Apple
  • ESF has teamed up with Senco to offer you the benefit of participating in the Island School Laptop Purchase Programme

Laptop Purchase Programme and Related Insurance Plans (Optional)

Laptop Support

  • We provide assistance for students utilizing school resources. Help is available to assist students in connecting to the school WiFi network (802.11ax), printing & copying, O365, Adobe CC etc
  • Help Desk is available during the school day. Students can visit the ICT office to request help as well. Students can email to create a ticket and ask for assistance with ICT related issues
  • If you have questions about purchasing a laptop, please email your questions to along with contact information so that we can call you if necessary
  • Beyond that students need to take responsibility for their own devices for problem solving or troubleshooting
  • Unfortunately, repairs or warranty are not available on campus. If necessary you will need to refer to a technician or to the supplier where you bought the device

Laptop Theft

Take the following precautions:

Useful Tips