16 Dec 2021

ISPTA Newsletter 2021-22, Term 1

It has been a busy term at Island School, with students back on campus for whole days. In the beginning of the term ISPTA welcomed new Y7 parents and participated in parent information evenings. Our AGM took place in October. 

ISPTA supported the Term 1 cultural celebrations. Together with students and teachers, our parent volunteers  decorated the campus for Diwali and Christmas. We also organised a Christmas decoration workshop for students, staff and parents, and sponsored cultural programs and student initiatives related to the celebrations.  

ISPTA became a Founding Patron for Island School’s new campus with a $600,000 donation. We also supported the Thrive no-screen initiative with a $9000 donation towards games for homeroom use. ISPTA’s donations towards enhancing students’ school and learning experience in 2021-22 exceeds $130,000. Donations include Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Kits, Robotic V5 Competition Kits, some more science resources to add to our donation last year, and  a semi-industrial Extruder to the Circular IS team. We are excited to share more about the donations during Term 2 when the Robotics resources are put to use. 

For areas and initiatives supported in previous years as well as other highlights, please check out the ISPTA News section.

The return of Island School to Borrett road is soon approaching, and ISPTA has been representing the parent perspective on the Back to Borrett plans. We have participated in the first steps of the Canteen tender process, with contributions to the selection criteria, and will be involved in further steps including taste tests and menu evaluation. We have also discussed the bus transport issues with school.

Even though we still face restrictions with social events and get-togethers, it is wonderful to see some normalcy. Sports day was back, with parents able to join the upper years events. Our WhatsApp groups were out to good use in sharing the excitement and glimpses of the day.

We wish everyone a wonderful winter break, and look forward to Term 2 with Walkathon and Year of the Tiger celebrations. We are hoping to launch some new parent talks and resources over the next year. Stay tuned!

Tania Shao,
Chair, Island School PTA Ltd.