17 May 2024

IS Biodiversity Challenge Results

During Nature Week, WANBO announced that iNaturalist would be making a comeback for its annual inter-house competition! The inter-house spanned from 25 April to 6 May 2024 – two weeks where students worked hard at identifying and capturing photos of various specimens! By recording sightings of wildlife ranging from fungi, plants and animals all across Hong Kong, Islanders were able to garner points for their respective houses while expanding their knowledge about our local biodiversity through their observations, coming in at a total of 4,427 observations of 1,312 species! This data also went towards the global City Nature Challenge in which Hong Kong ranked 2nd among 690 participating cities globally in the total number of “species” category.


There were two inter-house challenges as part of this event, one for recording the most species and one for having the most number of participants involved in the event. Congratulations to Wilberforce for identifying the most species with a whopping 795 different plants and animals identified. Also, congratulations to Da Vinci for having the most observers taking part in the event.

We would like to especially applaud these students for their impressive dedication to the challenge:

Nimisha Chand 9WC – 899 observations and 448 species

Eitan Ozer 7RL – 850 observations and 421 species

Alisha Wong 9WC – 806 observations and 395 species

Valerie Chan 8DG – 767 observations and 284 species


Thank you all for participating!

Stay tuned for more green updates from WANBO.