18 Jan 2023

HKU Medical Faculty Tour & Taster Workshop

On the 12th of January, Year 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to tour the world-class facilities at Li Ka Shing Medical School at HKU, which would otherwise be off limits to guests, such as the Yu Chen Keung Medical Library, lecture halls, and student learning commons (which has a 24-hour study room!). 

After this tour, students had the opportunity to participate in a taster workshop given by lecturer Dr Micheal M. Manio.  In this lecture, students recapped their knowledge of the cardiovascular system and the causes of CHD (coronary heart disease), which was previously taught in the IGCSE syllabus, as well as refreshed on their basic medical knowledge through a ‘friendly’ Kahoot game – under the high stakes of winning tote bags for the team. This was also done under university-style lectures with open questions, which allowed discussions amongst each other, thus allowing students to experience a social yet educational environment, simulating the experience in a university setting.  

Led by Dr Manio, students had the opportunity to participate in a PBL (problem-based learning) session, a unique part of the HKU MBBS program. In groups of 5, a case study was presented, and they were asked to decipher the root of the patient’s ongoing medical issue. This gave students an understanding of what questions should be asked when treating patients in a real-life setting (for example, asking questions on family history, previous medical history, lifestyle/diet, etc.)

Students then underwent a clinical skills session where they explored how to measure blood pressure using a manual sphygmomanometer which can be used to help diagnose patients with CHD (coronary heart disease). With further assistance from the lecturers, students could manually practice measuring their classmate’s blood pressure, enabling them to obtain hands-on experience with a piece of medically accurate equipment.

Overall, this experience was enriching and beneficial for all participants and gave students a deeper understanding of what medical school (at HKU) will entail.