6 Dec 2023

Collaborative Sciences Project Dec 2023

“Science is magic that works”,“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe it”,“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow” These are just some of the quotations that the Year 12 students investigated last week as part of the Collaborative Science Project (CSP and formally the G4 Project) under the theme of ‘Wise Words (or not)”. This year, the project was led by Mr Darryl Hood, the Deputy Head of Science for IB and delivered by the teachers of all Group 4 subjects.

The CSP brings together students studying Computer Science, Design Technology, Environmental Systems and Societies, Sports, Exercise and Health Science, as well as the traditional Sciences. The focus of the CSP is on the process and skills development and requires students to consider a global issue in a local context. With this in mind, students worked in interdisciplinary teams over two days and collaborated on tasks that perhaps lay outside their own specialisms. They discovered how their different areas of expertise can enhance a project. Students developed their own focused research questions, planned and developed their methodology, conducted experiments and analysed their results before presenting their conclusions. The final product is to be a short video presentation, which the teachers and technicians will judge for best Science and the best Theory of Knowledge content and the students will judge for best video presentation. Prizes will be awarded next week!

Students in one group commented: “Although building our ambitious experiment in such a short time was tough, it was an exciting challenge that ultimately made us better critical thinkers and team players. Thank you to all Science teachers, especially Mr. Hood and Angus, for making this possible!”

Students quoted: Kelly Chak, Nicole Cheung, Keenisha Ghosh, Joanna Jang, Milla Lam, Katie Lim, Adi Sarma, Shubhan Tilve, and Nicolas Lik Wong.