22 Apr 2024

CCCT NYSS x IS Friendly Matches

The Connected Communities Commitment Team and the Sports Committee organised a friendly basketball and volleyball match between Island School and Ng Yuk Secondary School (NYSS), our former neighbouring school from the Tai Wai region on Friday April 12th.

This was the second friendly match between IS and NYSS: our first match was in 2018, before the advent of COVID-19 and our transfer back to the new campus. The matches offered a great opportunity for students from both schools to come together and for the NYSS students to visit our new facilities.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who was involved in the process, including the Connected Communities Commitment Team, the Sports Committee, the players and coaches from both teams, as well as Ms. Tarja Joro for attending on behalf of the Island School Trust and sponsoring the event.