28 Jun 2019

Basketball Competition with Ng Yuk Secondary School

A friendly basketball competition with Ng Yuk Secondary School was hosted on the 25 June. 40 students from NYSS and Island School, Year 7 to Year 10, participated in the game. There was a series of activities, including half court games, a best trick shot competition, and the game “Killer”.

The students had an amazing time and Hannah Lee said: “I think the students all enjoyed themselves and this was an event that helped to bring our schools together. They showed great sportsmanship and we are all very proud of them.”

Results of the competition:

Best Trick Shot (Y7-8): Lachlan Lo 8F & Jimmy (NYSS)

Killer (Y7-8): 1st – Jonathan Chang 8E; 2nd – Ben (NYSS); 3rd – Andrew Tsui 8F

Half-Court Games (Y7-8): NYSS Team

Best Trick Shot (Y9-10): Jason Chan 10E & Marco (NYSS)

Killer (Y9-10): 1st – Marco; 2nd – Adi Arunachalam 10R; 3rd – Paul Lai

Half-Court Games (Y9-10): NYSS Team

Many thanks to all the students who participated, or helped referee the games, and came to support the event. Thank you Mr. Siu, Mr. Woods, Ms. Eves, and Mr. Beer who helped to organize this competition as well.

Written by Ida Tsui, Media Team