15 January 2016
Dear Parents
In this issue of the Island School weekly newsletter you can view the new website.
Click here to see the new site, the address has not changed https://island.edu.hk/
News stories about life at Island School are now on the home page of the new site. The content on all other pages has been updated. Some students play a starring role in new videos created to explain more about Island School’s curriculum. Watch the videos on the Curriculum pages to see what students say, underLearning at IS.
There are a lot more photos on the site and a new photo gallery section where slideshows of life at Island School have been created. Have a look under Communications to see if there is a photo of your child.
Now that the website is live we want to give it a student voice. A new page will be created called Student Profiles that will include interviews and photos of students. If students wish to be interviewed about; their friends, school life and shared memories they should contact vicky.hill@online.island.edu.hk
The new website is part of an ESF project to create uniformity across all the schools. The IS site follows the same format as many of the sites that have gone live already, (Beacon Hill, Sha Tin and Quarry Bay). The site has been designed with new families soon to join the Island School community in mind.
Other sites
The Isle is the main way students and teachers can share news online and the Parent Portal is where parents can go to find forms, exam timetables and ‘business as usual’ information.
The Facebook page celebrates school life!
Announcements and Reminders:
FuturED#2 3rd Feb
Humanities Field Trip to Discovery Bay 29th Jan
Highlights of the Week:
Student Awards and Achievements
Kind Regards
Island School