23 Nov 2023


This week, Wilberforce held their annual charity week, raising money to donate to the Chicken Soup Foundation, a charity that supports and provides resources to underprivileged families in Hong Kong! After a house-wide vote, the funds will be going towards urgent medical care for families in need at the Chicken Soup Foundation.

Our week of fun began with sign-ups for Duck Deliveries on Monday, which received a total of 195 orders, and on Tuesday, our first ever Teacher vs. Student Karaoke, where teachers and students performed in the Courtyard round-by-round in a sing-off. Our final winner, as voted on our Instagram (@wilberforce_is) was the teacher team made up of Mr. Boak, Mr. Calver, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Davis, Ms. Karinda, Ms. Hjelmeland and Ms. Weston. We were also pleased to have both Ms. Hall and Mr. Loggie perform. We would like to give them a special show of appreciation and support for the time and effort they put into practising and giving up part of their lunch breaks to participate in this event!

On Wednesday, we had our annual Wilberforce carnival and duck plushie sale, selling out of the latter in a record 7 minutes! Alongside this, on Thursday, Wilberforce held its annual sponsored gala during Thrive, and we all got to see each form from the house re-perform their iconic camp dances. The gala is a time of yearly fun and laughter, from the glorious solo dance moves to each form awkwardly trying to remember the dance steps. 

Finally, on Friday, today, we had our bake sale during break, selling goodies such as brownies, cookies, cupcakes, rice Krispies, and more! 

Throughout this week, students have also been collecting sponsorship donations, charity and arts reps have been working hard to design posters to be hung around the school, and each form has put in significant effort to support their corresponding charity event. On behalf of Wilberforce House, we thank everyone for their support throughout this week, especially Ms. Hjelmeland, our Head of House, who we could not have executed this entire week without, through her leadership and guidance.

Written by the Wilberforce House Leaders: Rachel YOON, Alexandra LAI, Isabelle WOO and Ethan MAK [12W]