3 Mar 2022

Arnav and Eamon won in Global STEM x SDG Hackathon 2022

Congratulations to Arnav Gupta (10R) and Eamon Liew (10W) for winning second place at the Global STEMxSDG Hackathon in the Learning Planet Festival 2022.

Each team was asked to develop a solution within a set timeline, solve three sustainable development goals (SDGs) and produce a 3-minute pitch video explaining their solution.

Together with their friend, the team of three created an app called ‘Talentpedia’ to encourage students to develop and further nurture their interests and artistic talents, for instance, by participating in competitions and sharing their work with other students on the platform. The team aims to provide a more sustainable solution to a well-balanced curriculum.

“At Island School, students focus not only on academics but also have the opportunities to develop their passions, and that is where the inspiration comes from for our app. Talentpedia saw that traditional schooling undermined many students’ passion for Art subjects such as Music, Visual Arts, Creative Writing, and Drama. Therefore Project Talentpedia’s objective is to encourage talented students to pursue Arts subjects in the future despite the hurdles they face,” said Arnav and Eamon.

Despite the tight competition timeline and the ongoing pandemic circumstances, their app won second place out of the 78 teams from 18 countries that participated in the competition.

“We are extremely grateful to have come in second place as it suggests that there is no age limit to get a purposeful project upstarted! It was a thrilling experience for us all that had encouraged our perspective of the issues within sustainable development goals,” said the team.

Team Talentpedia is underway to further develop the app, including refining the functionality and improving the design elements. And they hope to launch the app to the community soon.

Watch their video pitch here. Visit their app here.