3 Mar 2022

Students produce video to support Autistic community

A new video, made by 4 Year 11 students, explains the challenges that children with Autism face. The video launched, this week, also discusses how the Island School community can offer their support.

The students’ short information video is the culmination of a research project that they have been focused on since the start of the academic year. They chose the topic of Autism based on research they uncovered. They discovered that research by the Autism Education Trust shows that 40% of children on the Autism Spectrum have been bullied. Dubbed the “Invisible Disability”, Autism is a condition that affects more than 75 million people around the world.

Year 11 student Hailey said: “Less than a quarter of people with Autism ever obtain full-time jobs according to the National Autistic Society. Our group really wants to raise awareness about the Autism and inform people about the challenges faced and support needed. That is why we’ve decided to make a video to address this issue.”

Click the image below to watch their video.