16 Oct 2020

Elements Animation

Having developed in skills and confidence, Elements Animation, students are now creating their own more individual pieces.

They started the animation course during home learning armed with their mobile phones, their individuality, and their creativity.  Since then they have embraced every challenge that has been thrown at them and come up with some fabulous animations as a result.

What has been especially encouraging has been how many of the students have developed the confidence, skills and enthusiasm to go beyond the tasks set and create much more individual pieces.  Many have also been leveraging Apps and other digital tools they are familiar with to enhance their process.  All the class has put in substantial efforts but some special mentions have to go to Colemont Chau, Michael Yip, Hugo Wang, Aiden Chan, Jasmine Yu, Jessica Chan, Matthew Wong, and Ryan Chiu for their creativity in the latest task.

By Mark Roper, Head of Technology