Whatever Whenever, Isabelle’s book for UNICEF
Isabelle Woo (7W) has recently published a book of her artwork entitled Whatever Whenever, featuring twenty-five art pieces around the theme of adventure.
Working discreetly for months, Isabelle said, “I’ve always wanted to publish a book, so I thought that it would be a good opportunity for me to combine my passion for art and to raise money for a good cause. I think it’s important that we support people who can’t do the same things as us. It would be great if all children could live their dreams and have the same opportunities that we do. That is why I’ve chosen UNICEF as the charity for this project.”
Her form tutor, Mr Stephen Budd, was surprised and proud of Isabelle for this achievement. “Izzy told me months ago that she was working on a secret project but I would never have guessed that this was the outcome. She has given up a lot of her own time and has had to balance this with her school work and other commitments. The finished product is an amazing piece of work and what is even better is that this has been done with the aim of helping others” said Mr Budd.
“Izzy has shown true Island School / Wilberforce House spirit throughout this project and I hope this inspires other students – it shows that all of us can achieve our aims with a little dedication and hard work.”
The book will be sold at the HKTDC book fair at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai on 17-23 July. All proceeds will go to UNICEF.