24 Aug 2018

Reminders to parents from the Medical Room

Please check and ensure your child’s medical data is up to date on the Gateway system. It is the parent’s responsibility to keep this data up to date and inform the school of any changes.

Students should not be carrying medications with them in their school bags. If there is a need for your child to have medication in school, please see the schools policy in the link below.  To protect your child, Island School will not provide any drug/medications to your child. We ask that all parents follow the procedural guidelines for the safety of everyone in our school community.


Asthmatic students – If your child suffers from asthma please remind them they should be carrying their inhaler with them at ALL TIMES and not left in lockers. Please ensure inhalers are labelled with the students name and tutor group.  A back up inhaler can be kept in the medical room if parents feel this is necessary. Please see the link above for the schools medication authorisation form if sending an inhaler to be kept in the medical room.