8 Jan 2024

WW2 Historian brings history to life.

World War 2 History Elements class heard from Mr Tony Banham, historian and author of Hong Kong War Diaries, in December. Hong Kong War Diaries is an online project that documents events that happened during WW2 in Hong Kong. Mr Banham introduced himself and his work and explained his motivation for his project, he outlined the skills he has obtained during his work, such as interviewing techniques and the importance of using different sources.  He also shared stories from his research including the Battle of Hong Kong and the Japanese Occupation. Mr Banham also discussed history in general, highlighting the importance of critical thinking in our rapidly changing digital era.

Hazel Wong Y10 said: “The History students were captivated by Mr Banham’s stories and his expertise helped us to understand the significance and the importance of learning about our local Hong Kong history.”