5 Dec 2023

Winter Fair 2023

At the Winter Fair, on the 1 Dec, the whole school community gathered for the biggest event at the campus to date. Island School families, staff, alumni, and families from ESF primary schools all came to campus to eat, drink and be merry.

The ISPTA hosted the international food stalls. The school’s commitment to a zero waste campus meant that all food was served on reusable plates and cutlery. The students and site staff arranged a washing & drying system to ensure a constant supply of crockery for serving.

The Sports Hall was a buzz with each House providing both a game and an activity for all to enjoy. Over 50 students and staff performed on a huge stage that would rival any music festival. The music of the amazing bands and soloists saw visitors singing and dancing in the main courtyard.

This event is a celebration of partnerships between parents, students and staff and it is with their support that we can host these big community parties!

All proceeds from the Fair go to the Island School Trust and its associated projects.