14 Dec 2021

Junior WANBO Warriors on Meatless Diet

The Junior WANBO Warriors in Year 7s and 8s learned about meatless diets and how can they help protecting the environment during a 2-week session in their lunch breaks.

As they learned about the continued damage that the planet is sustaining, the WANBO Warriors had the opportunity to learn with hands-on experience, making and assembling their own plant based burgers using a variety of beans and spices! Thanks to Mr Lord and the Food Tech department, the students learned how easy it is to change and improve their diets to protect the environment they live in.

Kimberley and Ethan, student leaders of this ECA said, “Learning practically is always better than sitting in a classroom. I had very good fun and was happy that a practical, hands-on session was possible. I’m sure the Junior WANBO Warriors had good fun too!”

The Junior WANBO Warriors will be returning next term so keep an eye on that.

Should you have any questions at all in regards to this, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Ross Burrough at ross.burrough@online.island.edu.hk

For more regular updates and announcements on the project, as well as opportunities for students to get involved in WANBO’s initiatives, please email your campus WANBO Leaders.

Sha Tin Wai: kimberley.ng@online.island.edu.hk or ethan.yap@online.island.edu.hk

Tai Wai: clement.kwan@online.island.edu.hk, ginny.park@online.island.edu.hk or hannah.wu@online.island.edu.hk You can follow our Instagram page @iswanbo too!