2 Dec 2020

VSA Model United Nations X

At the Victoria Shanghai Academy Model United X, on the 28th and 29th of November, 8 students won awards with every council gifting at least one award to an Island School student.

The conference included the DISEC (Disarmament and International Security Committee) and SOCHUM (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee) plus advanced councils for more experienced delegates such as the Historical Cabinet and Security Council.

“It was a very good experience for me. It was very insightful and I learned a lot more about global issues. Participating in this conference only gave me more reasons to join future external conferences,” said Stephen, a Year 12 student who represented Japan in ECOSOC (The Economic and Social Council).

Eight students won awards, with every council gifting at least one award to an Island School student.
The winners were:
Hannah Lam (9R) Most Improved Delegate.
Nicole Cheng (10D) Honourable Mention.
Cyrus Ng (9F) Most Improved Delegate.
Airi Tachino (10D), Best Speaker.
Ethan Yap (12W) and Ayahiko Usui (12F), Honourable Mentions.
Serena Yoon (12W) Most Improved Delegate.
Hani Rasool (12W) Honourable Mention.
All the delegates at this conference engaged with global issues and improved their public speaking and debate skills. Whether it be talking about restructuring methods of debt payment to alleviate debt-trap diplomacy or resolving the humanitarian situation in Beirut, Lebanon or even Iran’s Council of the Islamic Revolution.