10 Mar 2022

Students spoke at RENMUN 2022

From the topics of economic reform in a post-COVID world to the rights of migrant workers in foreign countries, a group of Year 9 – 12 students debated global issues at RENMUN VII on 5 – 6 March 2022.

Model United Nations (MUN) simulates actual UN committees with students taking on the role of ‘delegates’, debating and writing resolutions to combat global issues. The conference’s theme was ‘Peace in Permanence’. Guest speaker Shalini Mahtani spoke about the impacts of discrimination and how privileged groups can do their part to rectify the issue.

During committee sessions, all delegates stepped up to speak, engage in, and debate in the complex and intricate labyrinth of global issues. They demonstrated excellent communication and critical thinking skills, working together to foster substantive resolutions and forge meaningful bonds.

ECOSOC Head Chair Sam Hui (12W) said, “This has been a fruitful and insightful weekend for me! Although ECOSOC was a beginner’s committee, the calibre of discussion has been exceptional! In my opinion, MUN is not just about improving public speaking skills; it is also about understanding human sympathy and empathy and how to take meaningful and effective action. I highly recommend anyone interested in debating, international relations and public speaking to take part in MUN.”

Ms Maryanne McPhee, teacher supporting the event, also said: “Given the current state of the world, these students give me hope that our future leaders will be better. They were extremely well prepared and presented considered arguments, engaging in debate and diplomacy within their respective conferences all weekend. Shout out also to our head students Sam and Charlie who were Head Chairs in their committees.”

Below: List of students who participated in the RENMUN 2022.

Article by Sam Hui (12W)