4 Mar 2019

Student Awards and Achievements

Wenchy Lai (11R), has been selected to represent HK in 2 weeks time at the Asian Junior Athletics Champs in the 1500m. Junior is 16-20 year olds.
“It is genuinely a great honour to be able to represent Hong Kong at the Asian Youth Athletics Championships, and I was really surprised to be selected, considering that there are so many other talented athletes in HK. It’ll be such a great, eye-opening experience being able to compete against higher level athletes in different countries throughout Asia. I train with Watson’s Athletics Club several times a week with boys and girls that vary from school-aged teens to adults. I am truly grateful for being able to have this once in a lifetime opportunity and I hope to make the best out of it.”, added Wenchy.
Eunice Ng 8F won 1st place prize at the 71st Hong Kong School Music Festival on Friday, in violin solo competition on the 1  March. She competed against 35 contestants from different schools in Hong Kong on that day. She said, “That it was an unforgettable experience, for sure I still have more to learn to continue enhancing my skills.”