22 Sep 2023

Single Asian Female

Year 13 Theater students performed their version of Single Asian Female by Michelle Law on 30 August. The play tackles racial stereotypes, family and romance on the Sunshine Coast with sensitivity and humour.
“The brilliant writing by Michelle Law means that the big issues including racism are humorously dealt with.” said Ashley Bowers.
Creative Arts Director, Paul McCracken, said, “The student started exploring the play in February. Emma Gregory, a local theatre director came in and worked with our students on the themes and how to portray them on stage. As young actors tackling real world situations they were outstanding. I am so proud of them.” 
“The audience was totally captivated and immersed in the story of the three protagonists Pearl and her two daughters Zoe and Mei.”
The Cast 
Pearl – Zita Cheung
Zoe – Saskia Poon
Mei – Naomi Lopez
Katie – Ashley Bowers
Lana – Maya Baretto
Paul – Thomas Liao