31 Aug 2023

Poly U Engineering Competition 

Winning first runner up in the Poly U Engineering Competition this summer are four Year 12 students. Peter Yoon (12D), Arnav Gupta (12R), Evan Zhang (12W) and Luciano Suen (12D) used Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology to create an App that promotes fitness.

Here they explain the competition and the opportunities it bought. They said, “We were tasked with designing an app or game centered around ‘Smart Living’, specifically within the field of ‘Health and Wellness’. As such, we developed an app that promotes the use of correct posture whilst exercising, integrating both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The competition was held on-site, at the Polytechnic University Faculty of Engineering campus for 3 days (11-13th of July), where we got the opportunity to meet professors, university undergraduates as well as a chance to explore the campus. We are pleased with the outcome of the competition as our idea was prized as the first-runner up amongst the other innovative and out of the box ideas from groups. Overall, we believe we have enriched our understanding of the influence of STEM in the field of health and has deepened our passion to drive for change.”