12 May 2023

New ISPTA Whatsapp Groups

For 2022-23, ISPTA launched a Chinese WhatsApp group to support parents who need extra help in navigating the English-language school communications.

The aim of the Chinese Whatsapp group is to:
1) Provide key information in Chinese
2) Direct parents to correct information
3) Facilitate the transition from local school system to ESF system

To clarify, the purpose of the group is not to discuss Chinese language curriculum, but to help parents who communicate mainly in Chinese to navigate and get familiar with Island School. Parents who feel that they can benefit from being able to ask questions or clarifications in Chinese are welcome to join., however, we respectfully ask that those who are able to navigate the English language communications with ease continue to use our English-language group.

The experience from this school year has been positive, and the Chinese Whatsapp groups has been well received.

Now ISPTA is expanding the WhatsApp group to Japanese and Korean community groups. These groups allow the communities in question to connect over year group lines, and carry out discussion in Japanese and Korean. The groups were launched after both groups reconnected in the fair preparation, and the initial experience is very positive.

For further information on community groups, please contact ISPTA at pta@online.island.edu.hk. You can use the WhatsApp join form to ask to be added to the groups if they are relevant to your family.




本群组主要为华语家长在小组内以中文提供与学校內外日常运作及重大活动的关键信息,以便支持华语家庭多参与校内外各类型活动。 (并非事无巨细地转达官方文件。所有的信息如有争议,以英文版本为准。)


