5 Nov 2021

Michelangelo Triumphed in ESF CoCo 2021

Massive Congratulations to Michelangelo Schiavo (7W) and his team for winning the first place in the ESF Computing Conference 2021 (ESF CoCo) held on 19 September, 2021.

Michelangelo Schiavo, 7W

The Hackathon, a coding competition took place on the second day of the conference, in which all participants were asked to solve an environmental related issue in Hong Kong by creating an online/ digital tool.

Michelangelo’s team decided to address the problem of not having enough plants and greenery in Hong Kong. With their winning website ‘Plant and Simple’, the team used their own code to teach readers about gardening. Tools such as a plant encyclopedia where readers can find out details about different plants and how to grow them, as well as a system that allows readers to buy gardening things online to earn points.

“I am very excited that our team won! I think we stood out from the rest of the teams because we used many skills and tried to add as much detail as possible to make our website look as attractive as possible. I am now hoping to participate in future Hackathon events and and would encourage others to participate in these kinds of events as well!,” said Michelangelo.