1 Jun 2018

Message From The Principal, 1 June 2018

Dear Parents

Research shows that of all of the factors in a schools control, that the standard of teaching has the biggest influence on student achievement. Second on that list is the quality of principal and school leadership. This is something that great schools understand and embrace.

We are currently in the midst of reviews that will shape the school improvement agenda for the next 3 years. Three key projects have been initiated.

Teaching and Learning Review

Over the past week myself, a panel of vice principals and senior teachers have worked with invited colleagues from the ESF centre and other ESF schools to conduct a review of teaching practice.

The review involved 3 days of observing lessons, with a view to identifying great practice and focus areas for improvement.

Investigating Best Practice

A project group has been researching the most effective ways that teachers work together to improve student achievement. The group will make comparisons with Island School’s practices and identify future priorities.

Student Feedback

The student council has been working with a teacher representative group to develop a system where students can provide feedback to teachers via a survey. A trial is being conducted this term with a view to wider implementation next year.


These initiatives combined with the school’s approach to professional supervision will ensure that my team and I remain focused on delivering high quality teaching.