14 Jan 2021

Kids4Kids: Learning to Lead Through Action

Global Perspectives IGCSE students attended the Kids4Kids Buddy Reading Programme, helping kids to improve their literacy.

Sean Lee (11N), Shohn Fujita (11N), Xinming Zhao (10N), and Calleigh Wong (10N) teamed up with Kids4Kids and created lesson plans and lead zoom sessions.

The Kids4Kids’ Buddy Reading Programme encourages children to love reading and develop the confidence to use English in their daily lives. The student volunteers played to their strengths as they read children books, played games and translated vocabulary.

When asked about the reason why he volunteered for this experience, Sean Lee (11N), coordinator and leader of the sessions said, “This has been a transformational journey for me – building my confidence. The main reason for running this program is to increase inclusivity in HK by reducing language barriers, encouraging conversation and strengthening the community.”

“It was pleasing to see that younger students were engaged and motivated throughout the sessions. In order to communicate, we learnt how to adapt our delivery to meet the needs of the students. We enjoyed getting to know each other and are forging new relationships.”

“The sessions were lovely. I looked forward to them and realised  the extent of my capabilities,” recalled Shohn Fujita (11N).

Mr Cooper, Head of Service Learning said, “It’s fantastic to see students engaging with authentic service within the Hong Kong community. This project is another great example of Island School students building their capabilities in citizenship and collaboration. We currently have 71 teams of Y10 and Y11 students within the explorations program working on service projects within the community. Their creativity and resilience in adapting their projects to changing Covid 19 restrictions has been outstanding.”