22 Jun 2021

Island Arts Exhibition 2021

Music, drama, film and dance, students from Elements course Island Arts held their annual showcase in June 2021. Using Alice in Wonderland, as their chosen text, the exhibition showed their artistic journey from analyzing the story to the final product.

‘Alice’, the online exhibition this year starting from the seed idea of Alice in Wonderland and the idea of going Down the Rabbit Hole. Art students crafted paper mache teapots that were poured into Theater tableaus; Dancers perfected their ensemble skills which were then greenscreened into Alice inspired landscapes by Film students, while Music students prepared live performances and digital soundtracks for the project. The opportunities for innovation in Island Arts are endless and happen in live time.

“Island Arts is one of the most exciting courses I have ever had the opportunity to teach,” says Film teacher Tessie Word. “Students truly push the creative boundaries of the annual theme, taking real risks and producing work that has impact and flair.”

Island Arts teachers Martyn Minns, Sophie Welsh, Phil Tudor, Joe Travers, Rachel Trinders, and Abby Eustace and Tessie Word. Special thanks to Winnie Cho and Ken An for their production support.

*Island Arts is an Elements course where students create and collaborate together  in Art, Dance, Theater, Film and Music.