25 Aug 2023

Collection of Green Week Materials

This year, WANBO has yet again prepared a food carton recycling inter- House held from 4-8 September! We are so happy to support Mil Mil once again with food cartons recycled by students, parents, teachers and the entire school community! Below you will find more information regarding how to prepare the food cartons to be recycled.

Food and beverage cartons – These will be collected and sent to Mil Mill, the first pulp mill and education centre that recycles these beverage cartons in Hong Kong, which will then be converted into paper pulp and turned into toilet paper, which we will then use at school. 

Why do we do this? These packaging items that hold food and drinks like milk, juice, and soup, are made of a complex structure that helps provide these items with an extended shelf life. These cartons are made up of multiple layers: Paperboard, a type of wood, Polyethene, a form of plastic and Aluminium. As such, this has made them very challenging to recycle.

How to recycle 

As linked, here is a video footage of how to recycle the food cartons. Please remember to wash the food cartons and cut them up as followed before recycling them into the box located in front of each house office, or else your contributions will not be counted for inter-House points!

This interhouse will be running from September 4th to September 8th, so remember to collect your food cartons beforehand so that you can contribute towards your house! 

Moreover, please also prepare pull-tabs from your metal cans to contribute towards our other event, our interactive art piece! You can also collect other recyclable materials for the art piece! Please keep these to yourselves until Green Week, so you can stick it up for our art piece yourself! 

We hope to see you at Green Week, because isn’t your life already filled with too much garbage? 

Written by: Megan CHAN [11D] 

WANBO Head and deputy heads,  

hannah.wu@online.island.edu.hk, megan_yh.chan@online.island.edu.hkzoe.tan@online.island.edu.hk