26 Apr 2023

Team Wins at Model United Nations Conferences

One week ago, Island School students Ava Au Yeung, Chloe Leung, and Cyrus Ng participated in the Security Council, the most advanced committee of Victoria Shanghai Academy Model United Nations (VSAMUN). They fiercely debated and discussed the topics of global arms trafficking and instability in Somalia. The following were their achievements: 

Ava Au Yeung – Chair at Security Council

Cyrus Ng – Best Delegate at Security Council

Last weekend, a much greater cohort of Island School students, Ava Au Yeung, Chapman Cheung, Charis Wong, Chloe Leung, Evan Zhang, Parina Khiatani, Timothy Chan, and Cyrus Ng, competed at French International School Model United Nations (FISMUN) in various committees, discussing topics such as territorial claims in the South China Sea and Colombian drug trafficking. The following were their achievements: 

Ava Au Yeung – Chair at Human Rights Council

Evan Zhang – Chair at Arab League

Chloe Leung – Best Delegate at International Criminal Court 

Cyrus Ng – Best Delegate at Security Council

Chloe Leung, Year 9, stated, “From vigorous debate to receiving my first ‘Best Delegate’ award in an advanced committee, FISMUN is a conference I will never forget.”

Cyrus Ng, a Year 11 student leader stated, “Even after nearing the thirty-conference mark at this point, these two conferences were some of the most difficult I’ve been in so far”

Overall, Island School students conducted hours of research and discourse throughout the two weeks and performed outstandingly. While it is great to recognise the award winners, it also comes down to the preparation and leadership of the MUN student leadership team who train the students each week as well as active participation from all students in the club. The focus of the club is to develop skills of diplomacy, debate, public speaking and research while engaging in real-world issues. This term, the club leaders focus on training Year 7&8 students through ‘Junior MUN’ where students have the opportunity to engage in a Island School internal conference to practice their skills.