17 Apr 2023

Spanish Consulate Video Competition

The Spanish Consulate in Hong Kong and Macao are running a video competition during the month of April for students of the Spanish language. Island School students were invited to submit their videos to the Spanish department. The videos were required to be 45-60 seconds in length and should feature the student talking in Spanish about their favourite singer or actor.
After a difficult internal selection process, two students were selected to represent Island School in the competition. These two students are Hannah Lam 11R, with her video about Shakira, and Luca Zabbialini in 8DS, with his video about Antonio Banderas.
These two students will receive a certificate of participation from the Spanish consulate and tickets to the upcoming Spanish film festival. They will also go up against videos from students at other secondary schools. The results will be announced at the end of May, and if they win, the prize is two tickets to Water World.
We wish them buena suerte in the competition.