10 Feb 2023

Island School takes English into the 21st Century

A focus for the English department at Island school this year has been, how can we address the demands for a personalised teaching and learning approach that provides timely and effective feedback and intervention. In response, Island school has recently purchased the Century platform in English for all Year 7-11 students who have started using this online platform over these last few weeks. So far the feedback has been extremely positive! The English teachers are using the platform to enhance our teaching by collating actionable data insights to support timely, targeted interventions. Through these interventions and the use of AI students are set individualised learning pathways which constantly update their strengths, targets to improve and how they can be stretched. More information about the Century platform can be found here: https://www.century.tech/

Have a conversation with your child about how they are finding it and please email me if you have any questions at: gary.corlett@online.island.edu.hk

Gary Corlett

Head of English