30 Sep 2022

Message from the Head Students, 30 Sep 2022

Message from the Head Students 

Student Council Town Hall

One significant addition to our current feedback systems is the Student Council Town Hall. Taking place around once a term, these are opportunities for the Senior Representatives of the Student Council to meet with the student body to hear your voice on various topics! We encourage you to share your perspectives through open and productive dialogue and work with us to generate short-term and long-term solutions to make our learning environment the best it can be! All feedback received will be processed by the Student Advisors Council to enhance opportunities around school.

The proposed focus topics for sessions will be:

  • Year 7: Settling into your new school and environment

  • Year 8: Getting involved in school life

  • Year 9: Grasping new opportunities for participation and contribution

  • Year 10 & 12: Process of new student-led projects and self-initiated opportunities

  • Year 11: Time management and exam preparation

The Town Halls are still in the process of being developed and will take place in late October or early November. If you have any suggestions regarding this activity, please let us know as soon as possible. In the meantime, please start thinking of ideas you can bring along to the Town Hall sessions!

We encourage everyone to come along: we want to get a complete picture of you! We look forward to seeing you then!

Instagram Challenge Results: Describe Island School!

We asked Islanders on Instagram to share their thoughts about Island School and our new campus. We received a lot of different responses, and we have shortlisted ten answers which you may find below:

 I love the teachers, the new campus, and the activities (sing-a-longs in particular); it just shows how fun Island School is!

I love the spirit in particular. Our community spirit is far above other schools!

I like the people, I truly feel at home as Island School welcomes one and all 😀

The opportunities that Island School has to offer and our community – it’s a family!

The new facilities: the classroom designs are unique and practical for learning!

The community and how any and everyone (students and teachers) are really friendly and kind!

The kind community, the structure and creativity of the campus, and the environment.

The absolutely brilliant show stopping, never done before world-class building!

The Island School Spirit, sometimes we have activities that are kind of like a party on Friday!

I really enjoy the library and the music practice spaces, it’s amazing to have your own corner!

All shortlisted students will receive a special commendation and prizes. Congratulations!

Ambassadors: Corridor Duties!

During break times and lunch times, get ready to see our Student Ambassadors team all around our campus!

They’ll be stationed in specified corridors and support the teachers on duty by:

  • opening the blinds in classrooms,

  • walking around the corridors in a specified area

  • visiting Middle Phase classrooms to support their well-being (encouraging them to play board games, and put away their laptops)

  • finding the member of staff on duty in the case of a cause of concern.

Reminder: Student Council Handover

Student Council applications are still ongoing! If you’re in Year 10 or 12, we encourage you to apply for the roles of Head or Deputy Head of a Committee! Let us know if you have any questions regarding the application process, and make sure you apply before the deadline: Monday, 3rd October at 4 pm!

Fun Friday Activities

It was unfortunate that we had to postpone today’s activity due to the adverse weather conditions. But don’t worry, the Random Play Dance will take place sometime in the next two weeks. Watch this space and our Instagram @isstudentcouncil for updates!

We are in the process of coming up with a greater variety of these Friday activities so that they don’t just involve singing and dancing – if you have any suggestions, please fill in this form to share your ideas!

Fiorelli Wong (13R), Angela Chen (13D), Charlie Lam (13E), Sam Hui (13W), Head Students

Sports Committee: Get Ready For October Spirit Activities!

The Sports Committee has something big planned for after half term. At this point, we can’t give away much, but start getting excited about it!

Mendel Szymanski (13E), Lawrence Chung (13N), Sara Suzuki (11W), Eatson Lin (11N),
Heads & Deputy Heads of Sports Committee.


WANBO Committee: Redress Week

Redress Week has officially started! On the 27th of September, WANBO hosted a talk with Ms Charly Cheung, the Circular Fashion Officer from Redress, discussing the impacts of fashion waste and its impact on future generations. Starting now until half-term break, the annual Inter-House Clothing Drive will begin—make sure to gather any clothes that you or your family doesn’t need. Bring them to school, and drop them off in the collection boxes in front of your House Office. Don’t forget to wash them before donating!

Please find the slides from the assembly and further details here.

Ady Lam (13E), Chanan Ng (13F), Katrina Hon (11R), Alexandra Lai (11W), Heads & Deputy Heads of WANBO Committee.