5 Feb 2021

Plastic Free Seas talks to Wanbo Students

Operations Director and Co-Founder of Plastic Free Seas, Dana Winograd, told students about her work to change the way people view and use plastics, on Thursday 4th February 2021.

WANBO invited renowned environmental activist, Ms Dana Winograd, to share her thoughts on plastic pollution. Winograd discussed the causes and consequences of plastic pollution, some aspects of plastic consumptions and possible actions students can take. Winograd also answered questions and shared her insights and experiences as an environmental activist.

“Working with Plastic Free Seas has been a really enjoyable experience,” recalled Sam Hui (11W), WANBO leader. “We’re very grateful to Ms Winograd for taking the time to run today’s workshop.”

“It’s heartbreaking to watch dolphins and seals entangled in layers of rope, hindering their survival, and especially upsetting to hear about all of the problems plastic causes to the marine ecosystem, neighbouring landscape, and how it ultimately affects us, humans.”

However, Ms Winograd proposed a range of solutions – we learnt that there are ways to move forward. Ms Winograd’s emphasis that everyone can make the world place which was inspiring and encouraging. We learnt a lot from this wonderful experience and we’re looking forward to further advocating these issues in the upcoming Green Week.”

WANBO leader Sean Lee (11N) said, “It’s always a fantastic experience working with Plastic Free Seas. We thank Ms Winograd deeply for joining us today. She provided excellent insight towards the plastic pollution situation in Hong Kong and was able to engage in students in meaningful discussions and conversations about the issue. Plastic pollution is an increasingly serious issue in the modern era, and as Island School’s environmental organisation, we have been working extremely hard to advocate the issue. Our endeavour for the upcoming year is to push more sustainable initiatives in school, such as reusable mask project.”

“We live in a society today that functions on wanting material goods that are cheap, efficient and convenient and plastic hits all those buttons. But with this, comes a cost. You only have to walk along a beach here in Hong Kong to see the issue staring at you, and with frightening estimates that our Oceans will contain more plastic by weight than fish by 2050, we all need to do our part to reduce this environmental disaster. All of us can be conscious consumers and there are so many ways to reduce your plastic consumption if you have the desire to. Why not use a reusable bottle that you can refill again and again? Do you really need to drink from that plastic straw? Do you also need to put your oranges in a plastic bag when you buy them at the supermarket? After all, they are wrapped in a natural packaging that you will peel off anyway! Solutions aren’t hard to find, mindsets can be harder, but if we all think a little more about what, and how we consume, then we can start to turn the tide”, commented Mr Ross Burrough, head of Da Vinci House and WANBO leader.

As we move forward, we are looking to recruit new student volunteers to help out in WANBO. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ross Burrough (ross.burrough@online.island.edu.hk). Space on the teams are limited, so early sign up is advised.

For more regular updates and announcements on the project, as well as opportunities for students to get involved in our initiatives, please go to WANBO’s Instagram page @iswanbo.