15 Jan 2020


For the first time at Island School, students and teachers came together for a whole school sponsored walk around the scenic Shing Mun River on 10 January 2020.

The big screen was the theme and participants dressed up as characters from Mario Brothers to Harry Potter and Star Wars, to name just a few with some very creative results! With the excellent support from ISPTA and parent volunteers, all participants were treated to a hot dog, veggie burger and iced tea after they returned to Sha Tin Wai campus, where a performance by student and staff samba band marked a wonderful finish to the event.

All proceeds from the event will be going to the Island School Trust to support our dedicated school charities, including:

  • The Nicola and Kenneth Bursaries. It provides grants to local secondary school students who are struggling to cover their basic educational and living costs. Each bursary is worth $3000 and awards are made at a ceremony in May each year.
  • Katya House, an orphanage in Nepal. After travelling to Nepal on a trekking expedition in 1997, a group of teachers and students decided to raise funds to help and found an orphanage for homeless children. Each year, students and staff return to work with the children and undertake maintenance and building repairs.
  • Baiwan Community Project in China. Since the connection built in 1998, Island School have been organising visits during Quest Week. Students and staff donate resources and teach English to students from the school.

Click here to learn more about the sponsorship and to see photos from the event.