1 Dec 2017

The Long Race

The younger years’ version of the 24 Hour Race (the 24 minute race) took place at lunchtime on 30 Nov 2017. Over 80 students from all Houses in Years 7, 8 and 9 took on the teachers … and won! Teachers and students run a short course, as many times as possible in 24 minutes.

Head of Wilberforce House Kate Sommerville said: “Special thanks to the 24 Hour Race Leaders Paige and Tiarnan the Year 12 students  who helped marshal.”

Final standings:

1st Fleming

2= Wilberforce, Nansen, Rutherford

5th Da Vinci

6th Einstein

The 24 Hour Race is an event Island School’s senior students support every year. The race around the Peak aims to raise awareness and funds for anti- modern slavery organizations.
