25 Aug 2023

Weekly Head Students Message, 25 Aug 2023


Hi Islanders! We’re your Head Students, Hannah Lee, Ray Yao, Airi Tachino and Hannah Wu. We hope you’ve had a great first full week back to school and are excited for all the activities coming up this term! Last week, this newsletter was released to all students via the ESF app, so if you missed last week’s message, you can find it here.

Telling the Story of the Island School Trust
A new exciting opportunity has arisen for Year 10s and 12s to highlight Island School’s history and school culture. Hong Kong Shifts and Island School alumni are looking for 30 students to join three workshops to source, craft and share stories of Island School’s social change projects, starting on the 29th of September, 2023. Students who join this project will be creating profiles that tell the story of staff, students and community members who work together to affect change.

The stories created by these students will be published on the Island School website and social media, with their work being displayed at the Winter Fair starting on 1 December. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with your peers to build leadership skills, learn about impactful storytelling and get involved in a community initiative. The programme can also qualify for CAS hours for Year 12 students.

To sign up, fill in this form!

Green Week: 4th-8th September
Organised by WANBO, the green team on the student council, our annual Green Week is coming back to remind everyone of the impact our waste has on the environment. Over the course of the week, WANBO will be organising activities such as a scrap paper drive, upcycling workshops, a food carton recycling inter-house and more. With that in mind, we hope students will begin saving up any leftover food cartons (Tetra-paks), whether white-backed or silver-backed, to be brought to school and recycled during the week to earn house points! To prepare these food cartons, students can follow the video linked here.

Apart from the food carton recycling inter-house challenge, WANBO is also launching an activity that upcycles metal pull-tabs from cans! If you have any pull-tabs from metal cans, or if you drink from metal cans and have pull-tabs at your disposal, please save them up to bring them to school during Green Week! More details about this can be found in later sections on this newsletter, written by WANBO!

Student Initiative Leadership Open Meeting
Over the past year, our student council and associated student initiatives have been going through a streamlining process to solidify our student governance structure. Through this, we hope to connect all ongoing student initiatives, outside of CAS and Global Perspective Projects, with student council teams. The date of this event is to be decided and has been postponed from next Monday. More details to follow!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Best wishes,
Hannah, Hannah, Ray and Airi