Wanbo Update
It has been a while since WANBO (環保) was last updated. We are the new heads for Wanbo Committee, Jasmine, Anna, Natalie and Zita, We are excited to work on creating a new year full of environmental initiatives.
We are in the process of improving our recycling system by relocating the recycling bins around campus so they can be utilised more frequently. Our paper waste bins will remain in place. Please make sure to dispose of paper waste or worksheets in those bins.
Our composting machines are still in use, be mindful not to discard single use plastics, cutleries and tissues, only food waste can be dispose in the canteen waste.
Bottle caps update
We currently have over 30,000 bottles caps retrieved. These can be melted, and used in the DT department. Instead of purposefully purchasing single use bottle caps, concentrate on recycling the ones you already have at home. Remember that bottle bodies can also be recycled in any of the school’s plastic recycling bins.
Stay tuned for more updates, especially our upcoming redress week!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions
- jasmine.yin@online.island.edu.hk
- zita.lok@online.island.edu.hk
- anna.shih@online.island.edu.hk
- natalie_wk.tsang@online.island.edu.hk
Remember to follow @iswanbo on Instagram for more Wanbo Weekly and updates!