# Copyright 1999-2014. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved. #!@@PYTHON@@ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 1998 by Total Control Software # All Rights Reserved #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Module Name: fcgi.py # # Description: Handles communication with the FastCGI module of the # web server without using the FastCGI developers kit, but # will also work in a non-FastCGI environment, (straight CGI.) # This module was originally fetched from someplace on the # Net (I don't remember where and I can't find it now...) and # has been significantly modified to fix several bugs, be more # readable, more robust at handling large CGI data and return # document sizes, and also to fit the model that we had previously # used for FastCGI. # # WARNING: If you don't know what you are doing, don't tinker with this # module! # # Creation Date: 1/30/98 2:59:04PM # # License: This is free software. You may use this software for any # purpose including modification/redistribution, so long as # this header remains intact and that you do not claim any # rights of ownership or authorship of this software. This # software has been tested, but no warranty is expressed or # implied. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os, sys, string, socket, errno from cStringIO import StringIO import cgi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set various FastCGI constants # Maximum number of requests that can be handled FCGI_MAX_REQS=1 FCGI_MAX_CONNS = 1 # Supported version of the FastCGI protocol FCGI_VERSION_1 = 1 # Boolean: can this application multiplex connections? FCGI_MPXS_CONNS=0 # Record types FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST = 1 ; FCGI_ABORT_REQUEST = 2 ; FCGI_END_REQUEST = 3 FCGI_PARAMS = 4 ; FCGI_STDIN = 5 ; FCGI_STDOUT = 6 FCGI_STDERR = 7 ; FCGI_DATA = 8 ; FCGI_GET_VALUES = 9 FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT = 10 FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE = 11 FCGI_MAXTYPE = FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE # Types of management records ManagementTypes = [FCGI_GET_VALUES] FCGI_NULL_REQUEST_ID=0 # Masks for flags component of FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST FCGI_KEEP_CONN = 1 # Values for role component of FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST FCGI_RESPONDER = 1 ; FCGI_AUTHORIZER = 2 ; FCGI_FILTER = 3 # Values for protocolStatus component of FCGI_END_REQUEST FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE = 0 # Request completed nicely FCGI_CANT_MPX_CONN = 1 # This app can't multiplex FCGI_OVERLOADED = 2 # New request rejected; too busy FCGI_UNKNOWN_ROLE = 3 # Role value not known error = 'fcgi.error' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following function is used during debugging; it isn't called # anywhere at the moment def error(msg): "Append a string to /tmp/err" errf=open('/tmp/err', 'a+') errf.write(msg+'\n') errf.close() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class record: "Class representing FastCGI records" def __init__(self): self.version = FCGI_VERSION_1 self.recType = FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE self.reqId = FCGI_NULL_REQUEST_ID self.content = "" #---------------------------------------- def readRecord(self, sock): s = map(ord, sock.recv(8)) self.version, self.recType, paddingLength = s[0], s[1], s[6] self.reqId, contentLength = (s[2]<<8)+s[3], (s[4]<<8)+s[5] self.content = "" while len(self.content) < contentLength: data = sock.recv(contentLength - len(self.content)) self.content = self.content + data if paddingLength != 0: padding = sock.recv(paddingLength) # Parse the content information c = self.content if self.recType == FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST: self.role = (ord(c[0])<<8) + ord(c[1]) self.flags = ord(c[2]) elif self.recType == FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE: self.unknownType = ord(c[0]) elif self.recType == FCGI_GET_VALUES or self.recType == FCGI_PARAMS: self.values={} pos=0 while pos < len(c): name, value, pos = readPair(c, pos) self.values[name] = value elif self.recType == FCGI_END_REQUEST: b = map(ord, c[0:4]) self.appStatus = (b[0]<<24) + (b[1]<<16) + (b[2]<<8) + b[3] self.protocolStatus = ord(c[4]) #---------------------------------------- def writeRecord(self, sock): content = self.content if self.recType == FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST: content = chr(self.role>>8) + chr(self.role & 255) + chr(self.flags) + 5*'\000' elif self.recType == FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE: content = chr(self.unknownType) + 7*'\000' elif self.recType==FCGI_GET_VALUES or self.recType==FCGI_PARAMS: content = "" for i in self.values.keys(): content = content + writePair(i, self.values[i]) elif self.recType==FCGI_END_REQUEST: v = self.appStatus content = chr((v>>24)&255) + chr((v>>16)&255) + chr((v>>8)&255) + chr(v&255) content = content + chr(self.protocolStatus) + 3*'\000' cLen = len(content) eLen = (cLen + 7) & (0xFFFF - 7) # align to an 8-byte boundary padLen = eLen - cLen hdr = [ self.version, self.recType, self.reqId >> 8, self.reqId & 255, cLen >> 8, cLen & 255, padLen, 0] hdr = string.joinfields(map(chr, hdr), '') sock.send(hdr + content + padLen*'\000') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def readPair(s, pos): nameLen=ord(s[pos]) ; pos=pos+1 if nameLen & 128: b=map(ord, s[pos:pos+3]) ; pos=pos+3 nameLen=((nameLen&127)<<24) + (b[0]<<16) + (b[1]<<8) + b[2] valueLen=ord(s[pos]) ; pos=pos+1 if valueLen & 128: b=map(ord, s[pos:pos+3]) ; pos=pos+3 valueLen=((valueLen&127)<<24) + (b[0]<<16) + (b[1]<<8) + b[2] return ( s[pos:pos+nameLen], s[pos+nameLen:pos+nameLen+valueLen], pos+nameLen+valueLen ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def writePair(name, value): l=len(name) if l<128: s=chr(l) else: s=chr(128|(l>>24)&255) + chr((l>>16)&255) + chr((l>>8)&255) + chr(l&255) l=len(value) if l<128: s=s+chr(l) else: s=s+chr(128|(l>>24)&255) + chr((l>>16)&255) + chr((l>>8)&255) + chr(l&255) return s + name + value #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def HandleManTypes(r, conn): if r.recType == FCGI_GET_VALUES: r.recType = FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT v={} vars={'FCGI_MAX_CONNS' : FCGI_MAX_CONNS, 'FCGI_MAX_REQS' : FCGI_MAX_REQS, 'FCGI_MPXS_CONNS': FCGI_MPXS_CONNS} for i in r.values.keys(): if vars.has_key(i): v[i]=vars[i] r.values=vars r.writeRecord(conn) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _isFCGI = 1 # assume it is until we find out for sure def isFCGI(): global _isFCGI return _isFCGI #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _init = None _sock = None class FCGI: def __init__(self): self.haveFinished = 0 if _init == None: _startup() if not isFCGI(): self.haveFinished = 1 self.inp, self.out, self.err, self.env = \ sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr, os.environ return if os.environ.has_key('FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS'): good_addrs=string.split(os.environ['FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS'], ',') good_addrs=map(string.strip(good_addrs)) # Remove whitespace else: good_addrs=None self.conn, addr=_sock.accept() stdin, data="", "" self.env = {} self.requestId=0 remaining=1 # Check if the connection is from a legal address if good_addrs!=None and addr not in good_addrs: raise error, 'Connection from invalid server!' while remaining: r=record(); r.readRecord(self.conn) if r.recType in ManagementTypes: HandleManTypes(r, self.conn) elif r.reqId==0: # Oh, poopy. It's a management record of an unknown # type. Signal the error. r2=record() r2.recType=FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE ; r2.unknownType=r.recType r2.writeRecord(self.conn) continue # Charge onwards # Ignore requests that aren't active elif r.reqId != self.requestId and r.recType != FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST: continue # If we're already doing a request, ignore further BEGIN_REQUESTs elif r.recType == FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST and self.requestId != 0: continue # Begin a new request if r.recType == FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST: self.requestId = r.reqId if r.role == FCGI_AUTHORIZER: remaining=1 elif r.role == FCGI_RESPONDER: remaining=2 elif r.role == FCGI_FILTER: remaining=3 elif r.recType == FCGI_PARAMS: if r.content == "": remaining=remaining-1 else: for i in r.values.keys(): self.env[i] = r.values[i] elif r.recType == FCGI_STDIN: if r.content == "": remaining=remaining-1 else: stdin=stdin+r.content elif r.recType==FCGI_DATA: if r.content == "": remaining=remaining-1 else: data=data+r.content # end of while remaining: self.inp = sys.stdin = StringIO(stdin) self.err = sys.stderr = StringIO() self.out = sys.stdout = StringIO() self.data = StringIO(data) def __del__(self): self.Finish() def Finish(self, status=0): if not self.haveFinished: self.haveFinished = 1 self.err.seek(0,0) self.out.seek(0,0) r=record() r.recType = FCGI_STDERR r.reqId = self.requestId data = self.err.read() if data: while data: chunk, data = self.getNextChunk(data) r.content = chunk r.writeRecord(self.conn) r.content="" ; r.writeRecord(self.conn) # Terminate stream r.recType = FCGI_STDOUT data = self.out.read() while data: chunk, data = self.getNextChunk(data) r.content = chunk r.writeRecord(self.conn) r.content="" ; r.writeRecord(self.conn) # Terminate stream r=record() r.recType=FCGI_END_REQUEST r.reqId=self.requestId r.appStatus=status r.protocolStatus=FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE r.writeRecord(self.conn) self.conn.close() def getFieldStorage(self): method = 'GET' if self.env.has_key('REQUEST_METHOD'): method = string.upper(self.env['REQUEST_METHOD']) if method == 'GET': return cgi.FieldStorage(environ=self.env, keep_blank_values=1) else: return cgi.FieldStorage(fp=self.inp, environ=self.env, keep_blank_values=1) def getNextChunk(self, data): chunk = data[:8192] data = data[8192:] return chunk, data Accept = FCGI # alias for backwards compatibility #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _startup(): global _init _init = 1 try: s=socket.fromfd(sys.stdin.fileno(), socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.getpeername() except socket.error, (err, errmsg): if err!=errno.ENOTCONN: # must be a non-fastCGI environment global _isFCGI _isFCGI = 0 return global _sock _sock = s #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _test(): counter=0 try: while isFCGI(): req = Accept() counter=counter+1 try: fs = req.getFieldStorage() size = string.atoi(fs['size'].value) doc = ['*' * size] except: doc = ['FCGI TestApp\n\n'] doc.append('

FCGI TestApp

') doc.append('request count = %d
' % counter) # doc.append('pid = %s
' % os.getpid()) # if req.env.has_key('CONTENT_LENGTH'): # cl = string.atoi(req.env['CONTENT_LENGTH']) # doc.append('
POST data (%s):

' % cl)
#                    keys = fs.keys()
#                    keys.sort()
#                    for k in keys:
#                        val = fs[k]
#                        if type(val) == type([]):
#                            doc.append('    %-15s :  %s\n' % (k, val))
#                        else:
#                            doc.append('    %-15s :  %s\n' % (k, val.value))
#                    doc.append('
') # # # doc.append('

#                keys = req.env.keys()
#                keys.sort()
#                for k in keys:
#                    doc.append('%-20s :  %s\n' % (k, req.env[k]))
#                doc.append('\n

\n') doc.append('\n') doc = string.join(doc, '') req.out.write('Content-length: %s\r\n' 'Content-type: text/html\r\n' 'Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n' '\r\n' % len(doc)) req.out.write(doc) req.Finish() except: import traceback f = open('traceback', 'w') traceback.print_exc( file = f ) # f.write('%s' % doc) if __name__=='__main__': #import pdb #pdb.run('_test()') _test()