15 Jan 2016

Humanities field trip to Discovery Bay

Dear Year 8 Parents

On Friday 29th January 2016 all Year 8 students will be going to Discovery Bay for a Humanities field trip in conjunction with the environmental group Plastic Free Seas. Half the Year group will be going to Discovery Bay (North Plaza Beach) and the other half will be going to Discovery Bay (Nim Shue Wan Beach). Both groups will be attending a beach clean-up activity as part of their current environmental study.

More details about what to bring, times of travel and the organisations we will be working with, are detailed in a letter that has been sent home with your child. Please be aware that there is a Parental Reply Slip that needs to be returned to the class teacher by the 22nd January so we know how your child will be traveling home from the trip which finishes at 2:10pm.

Group 1) Click here to see the letter and reply slip for parents of students with the following teachers;  Classes Mr Davis, Miss Thomas, Mr Jay, Mr Burrough

Group 2) Click here to see the letter and reply slip for the parents of students with the following teachers; Mrs Campbell, Mrs Weathington, Ms Hjemeland, Mrs Bryce. 

Kind Regards,
Paul Bentham

Head of Humanities
Island School