12 Apr 2016

Chief Executive’s office replies to Rutherford House’s petition

The Private Secretary to the Chief Executive and the Secretary of Security have written to the students of Rutherford House in response to their petition calling for an investigation into the disappearance of staff from the Causeway Bay bookshop.

Throughout the spring term students of Rutherford House have been collecting; students, parents and friends names for a petition which asks the Hong Kong government to investigate the case of the missing persons.

Click here to read their petition letter.

The petition was submitted in early March and Private Secretary to the Chief Executive Miss Mandy Shum wrote back to the students, 15th March 2016;

“The HKSAR Government attaches great importance to the cases of missing persons associated with the bookstore in Causeway Bay and fully understands the concerns of the community. We have publicly and repeatedly stated that only Hong Kong law enforcement agencies are empowered under the Basic Law to enforce laws in Hong Kong. With regard to the case the Police are now conducting proactive and comprehensive investigation.”

The students received a second letter 24th March 2016 from the Secretary of Security

“The HKSAR Government has conveyed its concern over the cases relating to a bookstore in Causeway Bay to the Mainland through various means and levels. Despite the return of Hong Kong of Lui Po and Cheung Chi Ping in early March, the Police continue to follow up on the cases and have written to their counterpart in the Mainland requesting for further details. The investigation in still on-going.”

Senior Head of House Pak Chan said; “We started the campaign to raise awareness of the issues surrounding this case among the students and the wider Island School community. I am delighted with the mature leadership shown by our students in engaging others in debating this very sensitive incident, and in their drafting of the petition letter to the Chief Secretary. I think they have a strong grasp of the principles of freedom of speech and the independence of jurisdiction in Hong Kong, and the need for them as citizens to be vigilant in safe-guarding these important rights.”

Click here to read the letter from Private Secretary to the Chief Executive Miss Mandy Shum